The gnocchiclient Python API


To use gnocchiclient in a project:

>>> from gnocchiclient import auth
>>> from gnocchiclient.v1 import client
>>> auth_plugin = auth.GnocchiBasicPlugin(user="admin",
>>>                                       endpoint="http://localhost:8041")
>>> gnocchi = client.Client(session_options={'auth': auth_plugin})
>>> gnocchi.resource.list("generic")

With authentication from a keystoneauth1 plugins:

>>> from keystoneauth1 import loading
>>> from oslo_config import cfg
>>> from gnocchiclient import auth
>>> from gnocchiclient.v1 import client
>>> conf = cfg.ConfigOpts()
>>> ...
>>> auth_plugin = loading.load_auth_from_conf_options(conf, "gnocchi_credentials")
>>> gnocchi = client.Client(session_options={'auth': auth_plugin})
>>> gnocchi.resource.list("generic")


For more information, see the reference: